In order to create a Competence 360º Radar assessment project we must first be clear which competences I want to include in the assessment. For this we will start by defining the competences and their behaviors. In the menu on the left click "Catalogs", Competences and choose the "Competences dictionary"
1. Competences Dictionary
In the "Competences dictionary" we find two sections:
· "Predefined competences dictionary"
· "My competences dictionary"
· Create competency set" button”
Both sections can be "folded" and "unfolded" using the arrow located on the right of each of the sections.
1.1. Predefined competences dictionary
These competencies are in the system by default, to see the behaviors for each competence, click on it and the definition of the competence as well as the behaviors that compose it will be displayed.
Note that each behavior reflects the test question, ie the text you see in each behavior is the same text the assessed (and the observers) will see as questions (they will not see the competence's name or definition, this will appear in the report), so, for each behavior (question) they will answer to something like this: "Below you will see a series of sentences, value as truthfully as possible at what level you (or the assessed name for the observers) show these behaviors in your daily activity, and what level you realistically think should reach for better performance." Currently our competency assessment is based on a 1 to 10 valuation for every behaviors.
What if you want to modify a predefined competence or create your own competences?
1.2. My competences dictionary
You can create your own competences using as a model a predefined competence and modifying whatever you want (change the definition, remove or add behaviors). To do so press the "copy" symbol next to the predefined competence name and the system will make a copy of that competence and it will appear in the section "My competences dictionary" below.
Once copied to your dictionary you can edit any text by clicking on it, once edited you must "enter" so that the edition is saved. You can also remove behaviors by clicking the "garbage" symbol next to the behavior, as well as create new ones using the "Add New Behavior" option. A competition should have at least 2 behaviors and no more than 5 to be effective.
You can also create your competences from scratch. Press the "New Competence" button and it will create a competence with behaviors that you can edit. Always save your new texts with the "enter" key. Soon you will be able to import competences from Excel files.
Tip: A competence must have a title as short as possible (1 to 3 words), you can use a short code behind the title if you need to differentiate it from other competence with the same name (eg "Effective Communication C1"). The definition of competence must be clear and concise, without any frills. Behaviors (test questions) should be short and avoid multiple ideas, should reflect only the behavior related to that competence and not several in a single question.
1.3. Create a competences set
A competences assessment is composed of a "competences set", that is, a set of grouped competences. Creating a set is simple in Evaluacenter, in addition the competences set already created will be abailable to be used in other projects later.
To create a competences set click on the "Create Competences Set" green button that you will find on the right of "Predefined Competences Dictionary. This will open a window where you can "drag" with your mouse the competences you want to include in your set. When "dragging" the competence pay attention to drag near the title of the competence. A set of competences must have at least 3 competences and we recommend no more than 8 (although can be up to 16). Write a recognizable name on your set and click the "Create" button. This will create your set that you can see in the "Competences sets" section under the "Competences" submenu in your "Catalogs" menu.
2. Competences Sets
In the "Competences sets" we find two sections:
· "Predefined Competences Sets"
· "My competences sets"
Both sections can be "folded" and "unfolded" using the arrow located on the right of each of the sections.
2.1. Predefined competences sets
These competences sets are predefined in the system and coincide with the competences found in the "DISC behavioral competence modules". Be aware that DISC "behavioral competence modules" DO NOT measure competence performance (refer to the text introduction of the reports modules pages). These competences sets will be available as they are when you create a Competences Radar project.
2.2. My competences sets
As we have seen previously at the "Mi competences dictionary" you can also create your own competences set. Your competences sets will be available for use when creating a Competences Radar project
3. How to create a Competences Radar Project
Start by creating an assessment project as explained in the "Creating Projects" article. Please note the types of radars:
- Simple (or individual) Radar: The assessed only evaluates himself.
- Group (or cross) Radar: All assessed value all assessed, without distinction, the system automatically converts each assessed into observer of others. Note that this option is for small teams (we recommend up to 6 or 8 people, although can be more), since if for example you have a team of 10 people, each person will have to assess to 9 plus himself, which can become tedious.
- Open Radar: It is the classic 360º feedback with external evaluators (or observers) in which we assign one or several observer to each evaluated.
Once you confirm the creation of the project the system will take you to a "Radar Adjustments" screen that does not appear when we create DISC assessment projects.
3.1. Radar settings
The image shows the settings of "Open Radar"
3.1.1. Radar adjustments
In Simple and Cross Radars you will only see the options of "Competence Weight" and "Who sets the target?" This is what makes each option:
- Competences Weights: Allows the administrator of the project to establish a weight for each competence. This weight will only affect the overall final assessment of the assessed, ie the final % that obtains as a performance indicator. When we choose "with weight", when choosing the competences set you will see a column in which you can establish the weight for each competence, the total of weights must add 100.
- Who sets the target?: If you choose "The assessed" he will value his target when taking the test. If you choose the "Administrator", the creator of the project will be able to establish the expected target for each competence, by default the target will be 100%.
- Levels Identified in Reports?: If we choose "Anonymous", in the report all the observers will be Integrated into a single valuation without distinguishing the different levels or categories of observers. If we choose "Identified", the report will establish columns for the valuations of the different levels or categories of observers.
- Leves identified: If we choose "Levels Anonymous" in the report the columns for each level will simply be numbered (1, 2, 3) depending on the number of levels or categories of observers we set in the "Levels" option. If we choose "Levels identified" in the report we will group the observers type by columns of each level with the levels and labels that we set in the "Levels" option.
3.1.2. Competences for our project
In this section you will assign a "competences set" to your project, the system will show you a list of predefined sets as well as your own sets of competences, when selecting one you will be shown the competences with three possibilities:
- If you chose to give weight to the competences you will see a column to establish the weight, which must add 100
- If you chose to be the administrator who sets the target you will see a column in which you can set it, default will be 100 for each competence, you can set a different weight for different competences without having to add any total amount
If you want to assign another different set, simply press the "x" that you will see next to the title of the set of competences deployed to "deselect" it.
Once you have finished configuring the project options press the "Save" button, this will take you to a new screen in which to enter the assessed.
3.2. Create Radar Invitations
In Simple (or individual) and Cross Radars you will see a dialog where you can enter the first name, last name and email of the assessed. In the case of Cross Radar it is not necessary to introduce the observers, as the system will turn every assessed into an observer for others.
In Open Radar projects you will see a window in which, in addition to entering the name, surname and email of the assessed, you must enter the email of the evaluators (observers) according to the levels or categories you chose, which you will see in columns. You can create as many observers as you set when you created the project
How to import from an Excel? Prepare an Excel sheet without headers or column headings. In the first column write the name of the assessed, in the second column the last name, in the third column the email of the assessed, and then a column for each level or category, within each cell of the levels you can put an email or several Separated by commas. We will match the evaluators (observers) in their correct column according to what the data entry table shows us. In this case, we would know that in the column Excel 4 in each cell are the emails of the observers of level "Superiors", if you would have another observers category, like "Equals" you would see another column and you would know that the excel column 5 must be the emails for "equals". If we had chosen more levels, or different or in different order, Excel to import should always reflect that structure, which we can see in the data entry table.
After entering the data of the assessed and observers press the button "Next" and the system will take you to the confirmation page where we can choose if the system automatically sends the invitations (or we send them later) as well as the language ff emails. By pressing the "Generate" button, the system will take you to the "Project Management" screen where we will see our assessed and their evaluators (observers).
4. Managing Assessed and Observers of a Cross or Open Radar Project
You may know that the assessed has completed his own self-assessment when you sees the end date in the "Finished" column. If the report download button still does not appear, it may be because there are observers who have not completed the test. At the same time you can know if all the evaluators (observers) have finished the test because in the column of "Evaluators" will appear the label "Fulfilled". When both evaluated and evaluators complete the tests will appear the download button of the report. Please note that in Radar projects with competences created by you the language of your competences in the report will come out in which they were created regardless of the download language that you use.