Click the "Create project" button
1. Project settings
1.1. Project's name
Write down a recognizable name, because if you have multiple projects, it will be easier to identify the one you want to manage from the project list.
1.2. Assigned to users
These are the users who manage the project, by default the main user is the creator of the project. You can select or add other users who manage the project according to the type of user (administrators, managers, controllers), you will better understand the types of users in the "Users" section.
1.3. Language
It is the language that the project has by default. Note that even if a project has a default language, within the project you can create invitations or download reports in other languages as well.
1.4. Do the assessed receive the report?
Click here if you want the assessed to receive the report generated in PDF or not to receive it (for example in recruitment processes).
1.5. Send a copy of the invitations?
If you wish to receive a copy of the e-mail of all the invitations that are sent by the system with access to each assessment, click this option. Sometimes this is used to be able to resend the invitation email from your own mail program when the respondent says not to have received it, however, at the same time can fill your inbox with unnecessary mail, since you will always have the option to forward the Invitation again from the project, or send the link manually.
1.6. Additional Emails
Do you need someone (other than you or a user) to receive the same notifications or copies of the reports (if you have marked that you wish to receive a copy) that you receive? This option allows you to enter one or more other people's emails (not those assessed) that you want to receive a copy of notifications or reports.
1.7. Copy of report
You can choose whether you want to receive a copy of each generated report by email or if you want to receive only notifications that an assessment has been completed (without containing the pdf of the report, but will always contain the link to download). Of course, you can always download the PDFs from the Project Management section.
2. Customization of the project
2.1. Invitation Email
You can use the standard invitation email that is sent to the assessed with the access to the test, you can use a personalized email that you have already created or used another time, or you can create a new email with the text you want. The system will automatically embed the link to the test at the foot of your personalized email. If you create a new email, give it a unique and recognizable name, as the system will create a template with that personalized email that you can choose from in other projects as well. In the "Customization of projects" menu you can manage all your templates.
If you choose a template or create a new one and change your mind at the moment, just click the small "x" that appears next to the template name in order to choose another option.
2.2. Emails used in reports delivery
As in the previous case, you can customize the email that the assessed receives with the copy of the report (if you chose to receive a copy of the reports). Everything above for the invitation emails applies to the report delivery emails.
2.3. Cover template
In this section you can customize what you want to appear on the cover of the report. As the previous case, you can choose whether the cover page does not display your data, display information you previously created, or create a new custom template other than the one you already have. Write a recognizable and unique name for each template.
3. Report Settings
Choose the type of assessment and modules for your project
3.1. Type of assessment
Choose the family of assessments you want to apply, this will open the available assessments. Choose the particular assessment, this will open the available modules (if any). Choose the modules you want to include, if you only want the base report, do not choose any modules. Note that there are modules that are not compatible with each other, if you choose a module with incompatibilities, the system will put incompatible modules in shadow and you will not be able to select those. To unselect a module, report or family, simply click it again.
3.2. Cost of the project
First of all you must write the number of people to be assessed (not external evaluators or observers in case of radar of competences, only the people being assessed)
Below you can see the cost of the project, the credits required and the cost in your currency (without tax). If you have enough credits available in your account, you can create the project and the system will assign those credits to the project (it will be taken out of the available credits and passed into assigned credits). If you do not have credits or you do not have enough the system will tell you the additional credits you need to acquire for this project and give you several options:
3.2.1. Acquire the needed credits and create the project.
3.2.2. Save the project as a draft. This is done when you are not ready to acquire the credits at that time but will do so later or when you want to buy a large package of credits to benefit from discounts (through the credit calculator) and activate the project using some of these credits of your purchased package. In this case your project will be drafted in your project list and you can enter again later from the list of projects, filter by drafted and complete it to activate it clicking the orange button.
If finally you do not want to create this project just browse to another page.