Welcome to the most advanced online assessment system on the market. Through your own account you can access 24/7 to manage your assessments, create assessment processes and send the invitations to take the test in a few minutes. In addition you will have total control over your processes and users.
Our platform offers you a robust system, with innovative assessments fully customizable with your brand, because what matters is you and your business.
1. Cómo acceder
You must always access the platform through your custom domain
2. Desk
You will find 6 sections: Menus, Top Options and Credits; List of Latest Projects; List of recent completed assessments; Your latest notifications; Credit calculator.
3. Menus
4. Superior options and credits
At the top you will find your bank of credits, languages, notifications, change of access and log out the system.
4.1. Bank of credits
This tells you the credits you have available. You will see that there are three numbers: The total of your credits, your free credits and your assigned credits. When we buy credits, they appear in your credit account. When we create projects, the system "blocks" the credits we need for that project as "assigned credits" and subtracts them from your credit bank, however, those credits are still in your account, since they are not spent until a report is generated. Therefore we can "de-assign" credits by varying the number of assessments assigned to a project.
4.2. Languages
With this option you can choose the language in which your platform is displayed.
4.3. Notifications
In this section you can check the notifications that the system sends you.
4.4. Changing access
In case you manage more than one account, you switch from this option
4.5. Log out the system
When you want to "exit" (log out) from the system it is better to do so using this option and not simply "closing" the browser. This will help your browser avoid cache problems when re-accessing your account and also maintains the security of your account.
If, for example, an user other than yourself, is going to use your computer to fulfill an assessment, it is essential that you leave your account with this option to "log out" before the candidate accesses the test, or it will not work.
5. Latest Projects
These are the last projects you have created. What is a Project? A project is an assessment process that has a specific type of assessment and one or several responders. We will see more in the "Projects" menu.6. Latest assessments completed
En esta sección puede ver las últimas evaluaciones que se han completado, puede acceder directamente a ese proyecto o incluso descargar el informe directamente desde aquí.